Once crafted in the Dominican Republic, Gurkha Cigars has revamped their San Miguel brand for the modern era, now boasting the highly sought-after AGANORSA tobaccos of Nicaragua. Being one of the top two growers of premium Nicaraguan tobacco in the country, AGANORSA is known for their strict implementation of Cuban growing techniques. The agricultural operation stretches across Nicaragua's many growing regions, being best known for their expertise in Corojo '99 and Criollo '98 seeds. As such, many of today's highest-rated cigars contain a percentage of AGANORSA tobacco; in the case of Gurkha San Miguel, it boasts 100% AGANORSA leaf.
Bringing the modern Gurkha San Miguel to life, Gurkha has chosen an all-Nicaraguan filler, which is secured in a Nicaraguan double binder and finalized with an AGANORSA shade-grown Corojo '99 wrapper. As with the recent Gurkha Nicaragua Series and Gurkha Treinta cigars, the San Miguel is rolled at the Aganorsa Leaf (TABSA) factory in Estelí, where traditional Cuban rolling techniques (such as entubado bunching) are used to craft the final product. This makes for a medium-bodied smoking experience with a classic character, including nostalgic flavor characteristics of graham cracker, nutmeg, cabinet spices, pretzel dough, sweet florals, and nougat.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Corojo
Binder : Nicaraguan
Filler : Nicaraguan
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Rick Randall - Gurkha San Miguel Petite Corona
Don’t like these cigars of cigars of the month don’t like the taste.
Nicholas Neher - Gurkha San Miguel Robusto
This is one of my favorite Gurkha. I’ve had it twice and both times it was a great experience. I would recommend this cigar if you’re are a Gurkha fan
Matthew Hartzell - Gurkha San Miguel Robusto
Spectacular collaboration with Aganorsa leaf.
This is the cigar that made me believe in Gurkha once again.
Sean Correia - Gurkha San Miguel Toro
This cigar uses Aganorsa Leaf tobacco and is a full-bodied beauty with a spicy and earthy profile. #ABV
Kenneth Stewart II - Gurkha San Miguel Toro
Great cigar, medium bodied, little bit of both sweetness and spice, great for someone new to cigars
Aaron Brown - Gurkha San Miguel Toro - 5 Pack
Really enjoyed this one! Crazy that looking at it you would not necessarily guess a full bodied cigar, but alas it is. Wonderful spicy earth tone! I would say this is perfect for a special occasion!
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