Since debuting onto the craft cigar scene in 2020, one of Howard G Cigars' most popular lines has remained the company's All Pro Series. Howard G Cigars is the brainchild of Howard Gumbs Jr., being based in Orlando and focusing on fine-tuned craftsmanship throughout their humble collection. With the Howard G All Pro Series, the company has partnered with various professional athletes, beginning with cigars made in collaboration with Ike Taylor and Leon Searcy.
All Pro Series Ike Taylor’s 1OFAHKINE
Perhaps the most well-known cigar from Howard G, the 1OFAHKINE cigar celebrates the career of two-time Super Bowl Champion Ike Taylor, a cornerback for the Pittsburgh Steelers from 2003–2014. The 1OFAHKINE cigar is rolled from nearly all-Nicaraguan tobaccos, being joined by a 20-percent portion of Pennsylvania leaf (fitting) within the filler. Medium in body, this all-star smoke showcases an experience of roasted nuts, sweet cedar, toasted bread, and lightly zesty cabinet spice.
All Pro Series Leon Searcy 72
Joining the Pittsburgh Steelers theme is the Leon Searcy 72 cigar, which features the offensive tackle's No. 72 front and center on the band. Searcy is known for being a University of Miami Hall-of-Famer, going on to play for the Steelers, Jaguars, Ravens, and Dolphins. Searcy has chosen a darker blend to suit his palate, with the cigar boasting a Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper over an all-Nicaraguan interior blend. This makes for a medium-full experience, hitting notes of earth, baker's cocoa, black pepper, and touches of mocha sweetness.
Strength : Varies
Wrapper : Varies
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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