Among the first cigars introduced by Recluse Cigar Company was the Recluse Amadeus—a Connecticut-wrapped blend that featured unique shapes and an impressive, two-year fermentation process.
With Recluse Amadeus Los Cabos, the company continues the Amadeus collection, this time featuring a "Grade A" Mexican San Andrés oscuro wrapper over a Sumatran binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. The cigars are named for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (a popular vacation destination), and are intended to provide a "mini vacation" on every smoking experience.
Recluse Amadeus Los Cabos is handcrafted at the Tabacalera Leyendas Cubanas factory in the Dominican Republic. Enthusiasts can expect a medium to full body and rich flavors of oak, baker's cocoa, dried fruit, exotic spices, and toasted nuts.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Oscuro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Sean Correia - Recluse Amadeus Los Cabos Robusto
First got this at the Great Smoke in 2019, Scott Weeks talked about how his cigars are rolled using the entubado method. This cigar has a great draw and I love the Mexican San Andrea wrapper, this gives me notes of spice, nuts, and some sweetness on the retrohale.
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