Rated one of the top 10 cigars of 2007 by Cigar Aficionado, Illusione cigars are made only from the finest tobaccos grown in the prized fields in the Jalapa Valley and Esteli Nicaragua. Using only first generation Corojo ム99, Criollo メ98 seeds and wrapped in grade one Cafe Colorado wrapper, these triple capped cigars are made in small batch quantities to maintain quality and consistency. Illusione Cigars deliver a taste and quality of smoke rarely found in todayメs market.
6 x 56
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua Strength : Medium-Full Wrapper : Natural
Michelle Pauser - Illusione ~68~ Petie Corona (Verified buyer)
This might be my favorite Illusione because it's full of surprises. Big flavors and a big punch in the final third, this is a big bang for your buck cigar. So tiny yet so knock-yo-socks-off wonderful!
Carlos Line-Torres - Illusione ~hl~ Lancero
A fantastic lancero. This cigar has a perfect blend of flavors and is a great example of what lanceros can be.