If Illusione Cigars ranks among the most sought-after brands in the realm of craft cigars, then what can be said for the company's Singularé collection—the proverbial Viper on the lot within Illusione's portfolio. This special collection debuted in 2010 with the Singularé Phantom, a limited blend that showcased the very best tobaccos the company could get their hands on. In the years following, Illusione debuted new variations under the Singularé banner nearly every year, including hits such as the Anunnaki, Miserere, and Kadosh, among many others. Each of these cigars are rolled in a singular size, boasting a custom-tuned blend to best accentuate the rare tobaccos at hand.
Commonalities for the Singularé collection include all-Nicaraguan tobaccos (chosen from the famed AGANORSA fields), traditional craftsmanship out of the respected TABSA factory (of Aganorsa Leaf fame), and, perhaps most importantly, tobacco blending by the golden palate of Dion Giolito, owner of Illusione Cigars. Much to the delight of cigar fanatics, Illusione brought back many of the most beloved Singularé cigars as regular-production releases in 2016 (although new limited editions still make their way into the mix every few years). While each experience is unique, the collection generally falls into medium-bodied territory, being noted for showcasing fine-tuned flavor profiles that cater to complexity and nuance over strength and intensity. These are serious cigars for the seasoned palate—whether smoked for the celebratory occasion or in contemplative isolation, the Illusione Singularé is a smoke you won't soon forget.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Varies
Wrapper : Varies
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Carlos Line-Torres - Illusione Singulare Phantom
A medium blend with great flavor from start to finish. This is one cigar you don’t want to miss out on.
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