For decades, the world-renowned Cohiba and Trinidad cigars were rolled exclusively for Fidel Castro and other high-ranking officials, with those outside of the Cuban government only experiencing the cigars as diplomatic gifts. In a similar fashion (sans the communist involvement), Joya de Nicaragua (aka the first and oldest cigarmakers in Nicaragua) has reserved their finest smoking experience for themselves and as diplomatic gifts... until now.
Enter the Número Uno by Joya de Nicaragua, a regal smoking experience that showcases JDN's 50-plus years of cigar-making prowess front and center. This special blend begins with a choice selection of Ecuadorian Connecticut tobacco; this leaf has been carefully draped over the company's signature style of all-Nicaraguan binder/fillers. First introduced to the public during JDN's 51st year in operation (2019), the Número Uno has been rolled in select, connoisseur-minded formats. Meticulously crafted only by Joya's most talented rollers, the cigars are finished with a beautiful fan-tail cap.
Número Uno marks the third official release in JDN's Obras Maestras series (translating to mean Masterpieces), joining the fan-favorite Cuatro Cinco and Cinco Décadas cigars. With less than 2,000 boxes of 25 cigars being crafted each year, Número Uno is an absolute must-have for the die-hard cigar enthusiast. In its limited distribution (prior to 2019), Número Uno has become JDN's most critically acclaimed offering to date, noted for its delicate and fine-tuned complexities, showing a smooth smoking texture and flavors of white pepper spice, graham cracker, cedar wood, citrus, and loads of heavy whipping cream and sweet nougat—all delivered through an overall medium body.
This is the cigar you've been training your palate for...
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Christopher Barnett - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
Great cigar! Love this 6 5/8 x 44 vitola, very smooth with a great retrohale. Great construction and perfect burn. I’ll definitely be purchasing these. This was a Brian Lewis blind cigar choice! It’s excellent!
Daniel Lemus - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
My favorite offering from JDN which considering the wrapper is saying something. Not normally a fan of the lighter Connecticut wrappers but this cigar just delivers. A creamy cigar that delivers notes of vanilla, nuts, and baking spices. It’s a cigar that earned its high praises on a lot of the top 10 lists in recent years.
Daniel Lemus - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
My favorite offering from JDN which considering the wrapper is saying something. Not normally a fan of the lighter Connecticut wrappers but this cigar just delivers. A creamy cigar that delivers notes of vanilla, nuts, and baking spices. It’s a cigar that earned its high praises on a lot of the top 10 lists in recent years.
Daniel Lemus - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
My favorite offering from JDN which considering the wrapper is saying something. Not normally a fan of the lighter Connecticut wrappers but this cigar just delivers. A creamy cigar that delivers notes of vanilla, nuts, and baking spices. It’s a cigar that earned its high praises on a lot of the top 10 lists in recent years.
Carlos Line-Torres - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
This cigar blew me away the first time I ever tried it. I’d put this among the best Connecticuts on the market.
Carlton Patterson - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
Hands down the most flavorful Connecticut shade on the market
JACOB NEELY - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur
Might be the best CT shade on the market. Don't let the wrapper fool you, this blend is pretty strong! All of the vitolas are fantastic but I'm especially partial to the lonsdale. Creamy, rich, and elevated.
Jeremy Caudill - Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno Le Premier
Such a sweet cigar packed with flavor. Goes great with coffee in the morning or desert after dinner. Heck, you could even have it FOR desert.
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