Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L'Ambassadeur - 5 Pack
For decades, the world-renowned Cohiba and Trinidad cigars were rolled exclusively for Fidel Castro and other high-ranking officials, with those outside of the Cuban government only experiencing the cigars as diplomatic gifts. In a similar fashion (sans the communist involvement), Joya de Nicaragua (aka the first and oldest cigarmakers in Nicaragua) has reserved their finest smoking experience for themselves and as diplomatic gifts... until now.
Enter the Número Uno by Joya de Nicaragua, a regal smoking experience that showcases JDN's 50-plus years of cigar-making prowess front and center. This special blend begins with a choice selection of Ecuadorian Connecticut tobacco; this leaf has been carefully draped over the company's signature style of all-Nicaraguan binder/fillers. First introduced to the public during JDN's 51st year in operation (2019), the Número Uno has been rolled in an elegant 6⅝" x 44 lonsdale size, dubbed "L’Ambassadeur." This meticulously crafted format—finished with a beautiful fan-tail cap—is rolled only by the most seasoned torcedores from the Fábrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua factory in Estelí.
Número Uno L’Ambassadeur marks the third official release in JDN's Obras Maestras series (translating to mean Masterpieces), joining the fan-favorite Cuatro Cinco and Cinco Décadas cigars. With only 1,500 boxes of 25 cigars crafted each year, Número Uno is an absolute must-have for the die-hard cigar enthusiast. In its limited distribution (prior to 2019), Número Uno has become JDN's most critically acclaimed offering to date, noted for its delicate and fine-tuned complexities, showing a smooth smoking texture and flavors of white pepper spice, graham cracker, cedar wood, citrus, and loads of heavy whipping cream and sweet nougat—all delivered through an overall medium body.
This is the cigar you've been training your palate for...
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*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut