A Dominican staple in the cigar industry, La Flor Dominicana has garnered a loyal fanbase over the past twenty years, ranging from the astute cigar enthusiast, to big-name celebrities. This is due, in part, to the brand’s stronger-than-average smoking experiences and their signature usage of unique and intricately crafted sizes.
The LFD Chisel is the brand’s most famous shape—a cigar that flattens at the tip to form a chisel-looking shape—which is perhaps the only cigar vitola to receive an approved trademark. LFD is also known for even more wild and unusual appearances, such as their gaudy Mysterio line and, more recently, a football-themed cigar that offers unique sizes with delicately-wrapped footballs rolled onto the cigars with various shades of leaf.
This leads us to the brand’s pièce de résistance—a new figurado unveiled at the 2016 IPCPR show—showcasing the highest level of craftsmanship from LFD to date. Introducing Salomon Único by La Flor Dominicana; a limited presentation of ten salomon-shaped cigars which have been crafted by a single roller at LFD’s Tabacalera La Flor factory. Up to one hundred unique designs have been made, ranging from barber poles, to intricate flames, to the Statue of Liberty! Each fan-shaped box houses ten cigars, rolled in a 7” x 64 salomon vitola, making for a nearly unlimited number of combinations (i.e. no two boxes will be alike!).
After being named the Cigar of the Year for 2016, consider the LFD Salomon Único the brand’s victory lap. Available while supplies last.
*Cigar Art design will vary.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Varies
Wrapper : Varies
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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