First rising to prominence during the great cigar boom of the early '90s, La Gloria Cubana became the hottest attraction for those in the know upon receiving multiple high ratings in Cigar Aficionado's premier issue. LGC cigars were ultra boutique, being crafted by the now-famed Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo at his family's small storefront factory on Calle Ocho (Eighth Street)—the most prominent street in Miami's famed Little Havana neighborhood.
Fast forward 30 years and La Gloria Cubana cigars are now rolled in the DR at the El Credito Cigar Factory—a unique "factory within a factory" located within the General Cigar Dominicana facility. Itching to get back to the brand's humble roots, La Gloria Cubana partnered with the last remaining cigar factory on Calle Ocho: El Titán de Bronze. This fan-favorite boutique is located (literally) across the street from the original El Credito factory, bringing La Gloria Cubana full circle with the La Gloria Cubana Eighth Street cigar.
Named for Calle Ocho, the LGC Eighth Street cigar is expertly rolled using an Ecuadorian Habano oscuro wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and fillers of Nicaragua and the DR. This is a near-full-bodied recipe that boasts top-tier craftsmanship and a complex flavor profile of oak, leather, Cuban espresso, and classic spice.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : USA
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Honest Abe Dababneh - La Gloria Cubana Eighth Street Toro
Another phenomenal line to come out of the renowned El Titan de Bronze Factory in Little Havana.
Walter Olesinski - La Gloria Cubana Eighth Street Toro
Great burn, lots of flavours, all of the LA Gloria's are amazing of course. Toro is a good size but the choice is yours.
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