Equally sophisticated and steeped in tradition, premium cigars and wine have many parallels from seed to finished product, often enjoyed hand in hand by aficionados around the globe. This distinction has been elevated to new levels by one of the biggest names in premium cigars—Macanudo—who has partnered with craft winery Flint Knoll to combine the worlds of cigars and wine with the Macanudo Estate Reserve cigar.
In the modern cigar scene, tobaccos aged in spirit (and even stout beer) barrels has become a growing phenomenon; but a wine crossover is often thought a trickier beast to tackle. Macanudo took the concept head-on with the Macanudo Estate Reserve cigar, aging Connecticut Broadleaf in French oak barrels that once contained Flint Knoll Winery’s single vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon. This unique binder is secured in Macanudo's signature Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, and includes fillers of Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Piloto Cubano, Dominican Olor, and Nicaragua (Jalapa).
This special blend produces a medium-bodied smoking experience for the discerning palate, offering a thick and creamy texture and standout complexities of toasted oak, aromatic sage, jam-slathered buttered toast, and semi-sweet cream through the finish.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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