Two years after Micallef Cigars debuted onto the premium cigar scene in 2016, the company added an affordable collection of five cigars that has since become the go-to selection for everyday cigar enthusiasts across the country. This collection is dubbed Micallef Grande Bold, staying true to its name by offering bold flavor profiles at prices low enough to be enjoyed on the regular.
The Micallef Grande Bold Sumatra cigar is described as "resembling a chocolate bar," boasting a luscious Sumatra wrapper and tight box-pressed shape. This oily cover leaf surrounds a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Combined, this multinational recipe is packed with flavor and complexity. Die-hard cigar enthusiasts praise this blend for its versatility, perfectly complimenting both the morning joe and nightcap whiskey. The cigar lights up with a medium-full body, hitting the palate with standout flavors of cabinet spice, cedar, toasted rye bread, and smooth caramel.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Sumatra
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Aaron Brown - Micallef Grande Bold Sumatra 545S
Yes, the word bold is used to describe this cigar, but it’s about the experience. If the taste leaves you speechless in the process then I guess that is price one must pay. But for the love of everything smoky, please pair it with a cup of coffee, that way you can sound cool as well.
Chad Manson - Micallef Grande Bold Sumatra 554S
My fav of the Bold line and one of the best box press I’ve smoked. Another nice morning coffee smoke for me.
Jeremy Caudill - Micallef Grande Bold Sumatra 554S (Verified buyer)
Ive always been a fan of Sumatra as long as long as it is accompanied with a good blend. This is exactly that. Delicious everyday cigar.
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