Micallef Herencia Maduro Torpedo
Micallef Herencia Habano is a staple within the large and impressive portfolio from Micallef Cigars. This blend embodies the Gomez Sanchez family's generations' experience with the craft of premium cigars, beginning with Pedro F. Gómez in Cuba, circa 1934.
This classically geared cigar is a case study of the famed Habano leaf, being incorporated as the wrapper component (grown in Nicaragua) to highlight zesty cabinet spices with a sweet and bread-like balance. This leaf is joined by an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and fillers of Nicaragua and Honduras, amounting to a medium-full intensity and Cuban-esque smoking characteristics from start to finish. Micallef Herencia Habano boasts dependable construction, an effortless draw, voluminous smoke output, and aromatic qualities of spice, fresh cedar, sweet florals, buttered toast, and a welcomed touch of saltiness on the tongue for added complexity.
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Maduro