The Montecristo Espada Estoque originally debuted in 2015, following shortly behind the brand's first-ever Nicaraguan puro Montecristo blend (Espada by Montecristo). It wasn't long before the brand realized they had struck gold in Nicaragua, showcasing new Nicaraguan-based Montecristo cigars from famed blenders such as A.J. Fernández and the Plasencia family on an annual basis!
Montecristo Espada Estoque is now on its third iteration, showcasing an all-new appearance for the modern-day enthusiast. Estoque showcases the famed sword for which the cigars are named front and center, highlighted against a stunning box that's designed to appear as though it's crafted from solid metal. Up close, enthusiasts will notice that the box is coated in a leather finish and topped with high-quality metal accents; a collector's piece in its own right.
But of course it's the tobaccos that keeps hobbyists coming back. Montecristo Espada Estoque Limited Edition is chock-full with rare and vintage Nicaraguan tobaccos, hand-selected from the prized vaults of the Plasencia family (aka Nicaragua's No. 1 grower of premium tobacco). Montecristo Espada Estoque begins with a filler blend of Nicaraguan Corojo tobaccos; this hearty recipe then bound in a Nicaraguan Corojo leaf and finalized in a stunning Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper (harvested from the country's Jalapa growing region). Offered in a singular 6" x 50 "No. 2" format—ensuring the ideal smoking experience for the given blend—the Montecristo Espada Estoque is billed at medium-full in intensity. Smokers should expect big flavors, exposed though a surprisingly silky texture across the palate; flavors include nuances of musty wood, minerals, charred nuts, zesty cabinet spices, raw cocoa, and aged tobacco complexities.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Natural
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Michelle Pauser - Montecristo Espada Estoque (Verified buyer)
Purchased maybe 2 years ago for the box lol but when I'm in the mood for a hefty smoke full of flavor and strength, it's one I consider from the humidor. Less construction problems than many of the Montecristos I've had, it allows me to enjoy a full smoke when I have a full belly.
Mary Belcher - Montecristo Espada Estoque
One of the strongest cigars I tried when I was expanding my palate. A lot of complex flavors with nothing too over bearing. Definitely one I wanted to take my time with.
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