The Montecristo Espada Signature is a limited-edition cigar that brings together the expertise of the Plasencia family and the iconic Montecristo brand. Crafted at the Plasencia Cigars factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, this blend incorporates tobaccos from the Plasencia family’s extensive tobacco library, highlighting the artisanal craftsmanship that defines the Montecristo name. This release continues the Espada line, which first debuted in 2014, marking the first Nicaraguan puro under the Montecristo banner.
The Espada Signature cigar features a Colorado claro wrapper grown in Nicaragua’s Jalapa region, offering a dark brown, silky texture with rich flavors of chocolate and spice. These notes are balanced by binder and filler tobaccos from Estelí, which provide earthy, sweet, and spicy characteristics. The result is a medium-bodied cigar that showcases a complex and well-rounded flavor profile, emphasizing the natural strengths of Nicaraguan tobaccos.
Rolled exclusively in the 6" x 55 “Valiente” vitola, the cigar is named after the valiant nature of its blend, where each tobacco plays a significant role. The wrapper brings sweetness and spice, while the binder and filler add layers of earth and wood. This collaboration between Montecristo and Plasencia reflects both brands’ dedication to creating smoking experiences of a higher caliber.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Claro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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