Created by master blenders Jose "Pepin" Garcia and Jaime Garcia, La Antiguedad is a super premium cigar handcrafted in Nicaragua, using the world's finest Cuban seed Nicaraguan grown tobacco. This addition to the My Father Cigars portfolio will continue to showcase the Garcia's Cuban heritage and respect for tradition. The filler tobacco for La Antiguedad is cultivated entirely in Nicaragua on the farms of San Rafael, Las Quebradas, and San Jose, all privately owned and operated properties of My Father Cigars. These tobaccos undergo a very strict and rigorous curing process of no less than three and a half years to guarantee exceptional quality.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Full
Wrapper : Natural
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Jon Skerbitz - My Father La Antiguedad Toro
One of my favorite My Father sticks to date. Med/full flavors with a smooth smoke output.
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