To the delight of coffee lovers throughout the cigar world, Oliva Cigars has combined the delicious traits of bean and leaf together, creating one decadent cigar. The NUb Nuance has been billed as the “Ultimate Coffee Experience,” and is Oliva Cigars' first foray into the infused cigar market, produced under their experimental Studio Tobac sub-brand persona.
NUb Nuance (originally NUb Café) was released in 2014 as an extension of the NUb family of cigars. Knowing that not all people take their coffee the same way, the NUb Nuance is available in three wrapper (or roast) variations, allowing you to decide just how light or dark you want your experience to be.
These delectable cigars are rolled in the Dominican Republic expressly for Oliva Cigars, offering sweet and flavorful experiences purposefully meant to be enjoyed with your favorite cup of Joe. This includes the NUb Nuance Single Roast (light and creamy), NUb Nuance Double Roast (robust but still sweet), and NUb Nuance Triple Roast (the French press of cigars). Simply pick your favorite roast and enjoy a pairing that was always meant to be.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Varies
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Tony McDowell - Nub Nuance Single Roast 438 (Verified buyer)
Great quality from Oliva as usual. Very good morning smoke or even as a quick dessert cigar. Worth every penny!
Samual Walker - Nub Nuance Single Roast 542 - 5 Pack
Great flavor but the 3 stars is because they are very hard to draw a box press would be better
Mary Belcher - Nub Nuance Double Roast 438
LOVE LOVE LOVE these cigars!!!! I love the various flavors and the size in Nub fashion is great when you need a bit of a quicker smoke. My go to have a need a bit of a pick me up after a big dinner.
Will Lynch - Nub Nuance Double Roast 460
Sadly not a very good pick. Construction, flavor and burn were all way off but it could've been a fluke pack. Would be willing to try again if they we're discounted. Oliva usually has fantastic cigars!
KEITH LYNCH - Nub Nuance Triple Roast 460 - 5 Pack
When I’m in a mood for a drew estate java and don’t have much time I reach for one of these. Similar to the java with coffee and chocolate notes but just in a shorter size.
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