Making its way onto the premium cigar scene in 2006, the Oliva Master Blends 3 cigar now stands as the company's last remaining vestige of their small-batch Master Blends series of the early 2000s (including the original Master Blends and the Master Blends 2 sequel).
Originally limited in scope, the cigars made use of trial lots and seed varietals for the Oliva family's Nicaraguan growing operations. When certain crops exceeded their high expectations, the Olivas crafted a limited number of cigars, as there would not be enough tobacco for full-fledged releases. This philosophy changed with the introduction of the Oliva Master Blends 3 cigar, being so popular that the family ramped up production of the formerly limited tobaccos in order to meet demand, being a popular choice for seasoned cigar enthusiasts nearly two decades later!
The Oliva Master Blends 3 cigar is crafted from an all-Nicaraguan filler, being secured in a Nicaraguan Habano binder and wrapped with a gritty sun-grown Connecticut Broadleaf selection. The result is among the richest experiences from Oliva Cigars, sinking into the palate with a medium-full body and upfront flavors of black pepper, leather, bittersweet espresso, and plenty of semi-sweet chocolate through the finish.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Kenneth Stewart II - Oliva Master Blend 3 Torpedo
Ok cigar, little bitterness, coffee,cocoa, little spice
Carlos Line-Torres - Oliva Master Blend 3 Torpedo
An underrated blend from oliva. If you like their cigars this is one you don’t want to miss out on
Samual Walker - Oliva Master Blend 3 Torpedo
Great smoke but there was so much hype i felt it missed the mark great flavor but I had nothing but burn issues let the rest for awhile still no luck
Lialew Lee - Oliva Master Blend 3 Churchill
One of my all time favs. Great smoke aroma, chocolate, barn yard, throughout the times I’ve smoked it. This is one I regularly stock up. Never can go wrong.
Michael Lanier - Oliva Master Blend 3 Robusto
Another favorite of mine from the Oliva family. Worth the money for this cigar. Whenever I go to my local B &M and can't decide what to smoke,this is my go to stick. Very well balanced cigar that delivers satisfaction every time a toast one up. I usually buy a few more to take home so I can enjoy them later.
Joseph Gehl - Oliva Master Blend 3 Robusto
Top notch stogie. One of my favorite. Great flavor little stronger but very enjoyable. Ill always have these on hand.
Jeremy Caudill - Oliva Master Blend 3 Robusto
Great cigar for a great price. Mild to medium bodied and smooth.
Ronald Marotte - Oliva Master Blend 3 Robusto (Verified buyer)
A new favorite and destined to be in regular rotation. A perfect smoke when I take my dog for a walk or ready book. Nicely balanced. Good construction. a 50-60 minute indulgence. Easy to recommend.
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