In 2012, Oliva Cigar Co. debuted the Oliva Serie V Melanio as the company's most premium offering to date. The cigar was critically acclaimed, eventually going on to receive Cigar Aficionado's highly coveted Cigar of the Year designation in 2014. It wasn't long before fans clamored for a maduro variation, and Oliva delivered, launching the Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro in the summer of 2013.
The Serie V Melanio line is named for Melanio Oliva, Gilberto Oliva Sr.'s grandfather and patriarch of the Olivas in the cigar industry. The blend is based on the company's Oliva Serie V line, tweaking the cigar to showcase high-grade, more select tobaccos. With Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro, this upgraded recipe showcases yet another twist, pairing the all-Nicaraguan filler/binder with a dark Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper.
As with the original Melanio cigar, the Serie V Melanio Maduro is crafted by the company's most skilled torcedores in limited quantities. This exceptional cigar has become known for its hearty character, bringing forth intense flavors of fresh soil, black pepper, leather, espresso, and smoked hickory—all delivered through a medium-plus body.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Jason Almon - Oliva V Melanio Maduro No 4 (Verified buyer)
One of my all time favorite blends. A great smoke if you only have about 30-35 minutes.
Great maduro stick with notes of coffee, pepper and a little sweetness.
Ben Rowland - Oliva V Melanio Maduro No 4
Great little smoke for quick smoke, still hitting with all that delicious Melanio Maduro flavor. This smaller ring gauge brings that nice wrapper to the forefront. Will be buying more in the future. Great construction as expected.
Michael Lanier - Oliva V Melanio Maduro No 4 - 5 Pack
Another favorite of mine. Just a smooth cigar that is worth the price tag on this one. This is one of those cigars out there that I purchase by the box.
Don Jones - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Robusto (Verified buyer)
If you like the original Melanio, you will absolutely LOVE the Maduro. Delicious flavors of coffee, chocolate, nuts, espresso, cedar, and cream, made even more prominent with the Maduro wrapper. Definitely box worthy.
Jarrod Raimann - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Robusto
Loved the original Melanio so much I had to buy a box of the Maduro, and it does not disappoint!
Nathan pawlikowski - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Robusto
I purchased the Maduro after I thoroughly enjoyed the regular Melanio. Just as the regular one did, this Maduro also usually burns really well. The draw is great and the flavors where definitely leaning towards the notes that I enjoy more. This smoke is what I call dark flavored like and earthy dank flavor and it definitely is a pleasure to smoke all the way through.
Jesse Pettry - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Robusto - 5 Pack
My favorite of Olivia’s offerings, delicious smooth and wishing the cigar wouldn’t end every time. One of the few I consider “nubbable!” Always keep a spare box in my humidor so I never run out!
Juan castillo - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Toro
Such a great cigar love me a good maduro
Joseph Gehl - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Torpedo
These are great smokes. Stronger than other but if your into stronger cigars try this one of you haven't. Very good
Keith Webber - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Churchill
The Melanio is the cigar that made me a cigar nut and really broke my premium cigar cherry. After smoking a Melanio I went on a war Path to learn as much about cigars as possible. The Maduro is chocolately, slightly spicy, but sooo soo damn smooth
Steve Wygergangs - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Churchill (Verified buyer)
One of my favourite cigars, great right to the end!
Nicholas Neher - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Double Toro
I absolutely love this cigar. The flavors are so rich and smooth. I could smoke this cigar every day.
Carlos Line-Torres - Oliva V Melanio Maduro Figurado
I like the original Melanio a bit better but this is still a great cigar that is worth smoking
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