Debuting onto the premium cigar scene during the great cigar boom of the '90s, Onyx takes its name from the cigar's wrapper, which is nearly as dark as the onyx gemstone itself. Traditionally, this leaf was a heavily fermented, "blackened" Connecticut Broadleaf selection, although the Onyx line has since expanded to include multiple recipes in the realm of the dark arts (i.e. incredibly dark-wrapped cigars).
The Onyx Reserve is the staple of the brand, making use of the aforementioned Broadleaf wrapper over a diverse interior concoction, including a Nicaraguan binder and fillers of Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Peru. While originally based in the Dominican Republic, the line has since expanded to Nicaragua as well, with famed cigar artisan A.J. Fernández lending his take on the Onyx name in recent years.
Being among the most popular maduro cigar smoking experiences of the past 20-plus years, Onyx has more than proven it can stand the test of time, offering smokers dark and sinister flavor nuances with an overriding smooth texture—the maduro lover's dream come true.
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Albert Anguiano - Onyx Bold Nicaragua Robusto
This was really a bold cigar! Smooth and not a problem to smoke
Wesley Regnier - Onyx Bold Nicaragua Toro
Bold is right! Great after dinner cigar, great construction and full of heavy smoke
Nicholas Neher - Onyx Bold Nicaragua Toro
I received this in the COTM and it turned out to be one of my favorite cigars.
Jarrod Raimann - Onyx Bold Nicaragua Toro
Absolutely gorgeous cigar! I received this as part of the COTM. The description is on point, and this cigar lives up to its Bold name!
John Kenny - Onyx Bold Nicaragua Toro
One of my favorite every day smokes. I'm actually enjoying an Onyx Bold, as I write this review. Medium strength and full-bodied. This stick explodes with deep, rich flavors of coffee and dark chocolate, with the slightest bite. Oliy feel and thick smoke. A winner every time. Oh, wait. It's another AJ Fernandez blend. I shoulda known.
KEVIN AUSTIN - Onyx Bold Nicaragua Toro
I received one of these in a variety pack and remembered Onyx as being a budget (lower price) brand back in the 90s. But with the new band stating bold Nicaragua, I decided to try this first and see if this brand has been retooled and made better. I am not disappointed. I’m rather pleased with this new brand. Draw is perfect, burn is impeccable. Flavors are well balanced. Forget about the Onyx of old. This new blend is great. Try it.
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