Following in the footsteps of bestsellers such as the PSyKO SEVEN, PSyKO SEVEN MADuRo, and PSyKO SEVEN Connecticut, comes the highly anticipated PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua by Indiana Ortez.
These mentally charged cigars from Ventura Cigar Company make up a diverse and flavor-forward portfolio for the cigar enthusiast. With PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua, the brand delves deep into the fiery territory of Nicaragua—the hottest cigar-producing region in the world.
PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua makes use of a special, 2007 Vintage Desflorada wrapper. The blend is the brainchild of rising star, Indiana Ortez, daughter of famed blender Omar Ortez and third-generation cigarmaker in Nicaragua. Putting her skills to the test, Indiana brings forth a bold and complex experience with PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua, offering big flavors of cabinet spices, toasted hardwoods, nutmeg, and loads of baker's cocoa.