Building on the success of the company's former 10th Anniversary cigars, Perdomo sought to up the ante, making use of high-priming, highly aged tobaccos throughout the entirety of the blend. These Cuban-seed leaves were harvested from the company's Nicaraguan farms of Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa, allowing eight years' age before making their way into the final product. With the Maduro version of the cigar, the wrapper is a Cuban-seed Nicaraguan leaf, which undergoes an additional 14 months in spent bourbon barrels. This secondary fermentation adds depth and complexity in spades, proving the cigar worthy of its celebratory intentions.
The Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro cigar is medium to full in body, lighting up with a dependable construction, a viscous texture, and long-lasting flavors of charred oak, earth, bittersweet espresso, and sweet mocha.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Alex Voytilla - Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Robusto
Another knockout Maduro from Perdomo. Plenty of smoke with this one and like all of perdomo cigars the construction was perfect. I got earthy notes and some oak with this one. Box worthy!
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