In the realm of premium cigar manufacturers, Perdomo Cigars is a pioneer of barrel-aging tobaccos. Some manufacturers use this process to impart nuances of the spirit formerly contained within the spent barrels, but Perdomo's barrel-aging technique acts as more of a secondary fermentation, adding depth and complexity that helps to give their cigars a unique character.
Few cigars in the Perdomo portfolio display this process better than the Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Connecticut. For this special blend, Perdomo opens their aging vaults, running six-year aged Ecuadorian Connecticut tobacco through spent bourbon barrels for an additional eight months. This Grade-A wrapper is then secured over six-year aged Cuban-seed Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the binder and filler, amounting to a mild-medium body and a flavor-forward profile on the palate. This is a Connecticut that will wake you up—being suited not only for morning smoking sessions, but any time of day! Expect standout flavors of clean cedar, browned butter, caramel, and cappuccino coffee.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Claro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Jeremy Caudill - Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel Aged Connecticut Churchill
This is such a good Connecticut. Has the classic buttery toast and roasted nuts flavors but at a much higher level. This cigar never gives me the bitter taste about half way through like most other Connecticuts do.
Mary Belcher - Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel Aged Connecticut Churchill
One of my favorite Perdomo's! Very smooth cigar great construction. Love the barrel aged mix of flavors
Ben Herlache - Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel Aged Connecticut Epicure - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
Great Connecticut. Has the rich buttery and creamy flavors of a good Connecticut. Pairs great with coffee or hot chocolate.
John Kenny - Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel Aged Connecticut Epicure
The bourbon barrel aging gives these cigars a syrupy sweet character. The CT is very smooth and full of flavor. Caramel, nuts, creamy coffee. One of my favorite Perdomos.
Martin Kollman - Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel Aged Connecticut Robusto
Perdomo makes a nice cigar and this is a well constructed one but I found myself wanting more from the bourbon barrel aging in this stick. It has the normal Connecticut flavor profile that you expect but I lost interest after the first half inch, as I didn't get anything different than most other well made Connecticut cigars. It drew well, had a nice but not amazing flavor of pine, pecan, cedar, and light campfire and that was it for me. Smoked about 2/3rds and then to the ashtray to retire this adventure.
JACOB NEELY - Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel Aged Connecticut Robusto
This is one of my favorite CT Shades on the market as is the case with many of Perdomo's CT shade blends. Really love the richness on this one and as always fantastic construction. Highly recommend; great value!
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