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Plasencia Cigars

Plasencia Cigars, a distinguished name in the cigar world, stands as a testament to generations of expertise, dedication, and innovation. Established in 1865 by Don Eduardo Plasencia, the brand boasts a rich heritage rooted in the fertile soils of Nicaragua, where the Plasencia family's tobacco legacy began.
Under the guidance of the Plasencia family, Plasencia Cigars has earned a sterling reputation for its unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability. With over 150 years of experience in tobacco cultivation, the brand meticulously selects and nurtures the finest tobaccos, ensuring each cigar is imbued with richness, complexity, and character.
Plasencia Cigars offers a diverse portfolio of blends, showcasing the unique flavors and aromas of Nicaraguan tobacco. From the bold and robust Alma Fuerte to the smooth and refined Alma del Campo, each cigar is a masterful expression of the Plasencia family's dedication to excellence.
Beyond crafting exceptional cigars, Plasencia is also recognized for its pioneering efforts in sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. The brand's commitment to eco-friendly practices ensures that its cigars not only deliver an exceptional smoking experience but also contribute to the preservation of the land and communities where they are grown.
Driven by a passion for perfection and a reverence for tradition, Plasencia Cigars continues to push the boundaries of cigar-making. With a focus on innovation, quality, and sustainability, the brand remains at the forefront of the industry, delighting enthusiasts worldwide with its exceptional cigars and unwavering dedication to excellence.

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We consistently strive to offer cigar enthusiasts the best possible buying experience - this includes an industry-leading customer service, mobile-friendly layout, fast and affordable shipping (including international orders!), consistently affordable pricing, and access to the most sought-after cigars on the market. Don't just take our word for it, here are some reviews that our past customers have left!

All pricing, promotions, and programs on this website are for online purchases only and can not be picked up at our retail locations. Copyright © 2006-2024, LLC is not responsible for typographical errors., Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARNING: does Not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21. does NOT sell cigarettes. does not ship to Utah or Hawaii.