This might be your last chance to get your hands on Pre-Ferio Tego Timeless and Epoca. This is an exclusive assorted 10 pack of premium cigars available only to members of the Smoke Inn Social Facebook group. These cigars are from the original Nat Sherman blends, made prior to Ferio Tego's acquisition of the brands.
What sets these cigars apart is their vintage quality - they have been aged for a minimum of 3 years, resulting in a depth of flavor and complexity that can only be achieved through the passage of time.
The 10 pack includes an assortment of Timeless Dominican, Timeless Nicaragua, and Epoca cigars. Each cigar has its own unique characteristics, but they all share the exceptional quality and craftsmanship that is synonymous with the Nat Sherman brand.
Individual sizes and cigars may vary.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Strength : Varies
Wrapper : Varies
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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