In recent years, more and more cigar manufacturers have begun offering their unique take on Chinese New Year-themed cigars, embracing the zodiac concept with each annual release (Year of the Ox, Year of the Tiger, etc.). But while many such releases can come across as extravagant and gaudy, Punch has opted for a different route, theming their annual limited-edition zodiac cigars around Chinese takeout!
This began with the Punch Egg Roll (2019), and was followed up with the Chop Suey (2020), Kung Pow (2021), and now... Punch Fu Manchu. Like its siblings before it, the Punch Fu Manchu cigar is big on flavor and surprisingly affordable in price (Chinese takeout is one of the best bang-for-your-buck meal options, after all). With this, the fourth release in the series, Punch has deviated slightly from the takeout theme, instead naming the cigar after the prototypical maniacal kung fu master, which is replicated in terms of tobacco with an exaggerated pigtail cap, mimicking the Fu Manchu-style goatee. However, the takeout theme is not entirely forgotten, as the cigars are packaged in cylindrical takeout-style soup container boxes (complete with Year of the Tiger imagery).
Of course, it's the bang-for-your-buck smoking experience that has made this series a hit, and Punch hasn't lost a step! The Fu Manchu cigar beings with an oily Honduran Habano wrapper, secured over an Indonesian binder and fillers of Nicaragua, the DR, and Mexico. These limited-edition beauties are then box-pressed, allowing for a cool smoking temperature and standout flavors of sweet earth, toasted nuts, black tea, and nutmeg.
The Punch Fu Manchu is no longer available. Check out other Punch cigars like the original Punch Classico or the Punch Deluxe.