With the prestigious Rockefeller family being known as one of the most successful families in American history, it was only fitting that Vintage Rock-A-Feller Cigars' core cigar lineup don the Red, White, and Blue. This consists of the Rock-A-Feller Vintage Maduro (Red), Rock-A-Feller Vintage Habano (White), and Rock-A-Feller Dominican Blue (Blue) cigars, each displaying the Rockefeller "R" with the respective color theme.
While the majority of the company's cigars are rolled in Nicaragua, the Rock-A-Feller Dominican Blue cigar bucks the trend, heading to Victor de la Cruz's Tabacalera L&V facility in Tamboril, DR. Here, Victor showcases his decades worth of tobacco experience, making use of an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Sumatran binder, and fillers of Dominican Piloto and HVA seco.
With quality craftsmanship and select tobaccos, the Rock-A-Feller Dominican Blue cigar offers a medium body and medium-plus flavor output, showcasing a dependable experience of fresh-cut cedar, roasted nuts, zesty red pepper, and medium-roast coffee beans.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Kenneth Stewart II - Rock-A-Feller Dominican Toro
Ok cigar. Little bit of spice, mild to medium cigar
Mary Belcher - Rock-A-Feller Dominican Toro
It was an ok cigar. Not something that I would put in regular rotation but not terrible for the price just really better options out there.
Michael Caldwell - Rock-A-Feller Dominican Box Pressed Churchill (Verified buyer)
In my palate's opinion: FULL flavored profile. SOLID & Reliable construction. Faithful consistency. Definitely on my personal ROGUE's list. This is a STANDARD to follow. No disappointment. This an undeniable SUPER PREMIUM, in this specific vitola.
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