Twenty twenty marked the 145th anniversary for one of the world's longest running, most beloved cigar brands: Romeo y Julieta. This informal anniversary will be the final such occasion before the 2025 momentous celebration of 150 years—a feat that only a handful of cigars have ever achieved.
For the 145th, Rafael Nodal has partnered with the famed Plasencia family of tobacco artisans to introduce the Romeo y Julieta Eternal. This limited-edition project makes use of the Plasencias' own Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the entirety of the blend. This includes select leaves from each of the country's four primary growing regions: Jalapa, Condega, Estelí, and Ometepe. As a finishing touch, the cigar's wrapper has been aged for 26 months and fermented for twice the conventional fermentation period.
Romeo y Julieta Eternal is rolled in a singular 6" x 54 toro format, deemed the ideal performance for the given blend. The limited cigars are packaged in boxes of 11 cigars, with a single cigar (of the 11) boasting an alternate gold band. This symbolizes the strong bond between aficionados and Romeo y Julieta and the everlasting love of the iconic star-crossed lovers. The cigar's performance is medium to full in body, with intricate flavors of oak, gingerbread cookies, floral honey, and sweet cream through the finish.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Natural
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Albert Anguiano - Romeo y Julieta Eternal Toro
Now this is a smoke bomb. The oaky and creaminess is outstanding
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