Since 2019, when Matt Booth and his Room101 Cigars celebrated the brand's 10th anniversary in the premium cigar business, there has been a new offering in the Anniversary Series each year following.
This holds true in 2023 as well, where Room101 now celebrates their 14th anniversary (i.e. the fifth cigar in the series to date). As with previous editions, the 14th Anniversary was blended in partnership with the legendary A.J. Fernández, making use of his prized Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the entirety of the blend.
Limited in production, the Room101 14th Anniversary cigar is a true Nicaraguan puro, being rolled by Fernández's Estelí-based factory in a single 6" x 52 toro size. This blend is perhaps slightly fuller in body than years past, lighting up with a medium-full intensity and hitting robust notes of toasted oak, bittersweet espresso, cocoa, and touches of black licorice through the finish. Who says anniversaries have to be celebrated in five, 10, or 25-year increments??? Fire up the Room101 14th Anniversary and treat yourself to a quality smoking experience like there's no tomorrow!
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
John Griffith - Room 101 14th Anniversary Toro - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
One of the smoothest, earthy cigars I have had. Definite in my top 10 and will maintain a place in the humidor until I cannot find them anymore.
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