In 2013, to the delight of craft cigar enthusiasts, Tatuaje and company owner, Pete Johnson, showcased two special sizes (Belle Encre and Bon Chasseur) of the Seleccion de Cazador (aka Tatuaje Brown Label). These cigars were made in celebration of Tatuaje's milestone 10th anniversary, featuring commemorative bands to distinguish the cigars from the core lineup.
Now, as Tatuaje has begun slowly rolling out Mexican San Andrés-wrapped versions of some of the most popular releases over the years, the beloved Tatuaje 10th Anniversary cigars have received the Tuxtla treatment. The name represents the San Andrés / Tuxtla region of Mexico, which is known for growing the best, most premium cigar tobacco in the country.
The Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Tuxtla cigar has been rolled in each of the original sizes, including the Belle Encre (5¾" x 48 perfecto) and Bon Chasseur (5⅜" x 52 robusto). The blend features a Nicaraguan core seen throughout the filler and double binder, but the original Habano wrapper has been swapped for a darker San Andrés maduro leaf. This change brings out a medium-full (or higher) body, with punchy flavors of smoked hickory, earth, mocha, and touches of sweet vanilla through the finish.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : San Andres
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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