In the world of premium cigars, there are many ongoing series, some of which stretch back decades or more. However, no such series has a signature size as beloved and recognizable as the famed Firecracker from United Cigars. The series dates back to 2006, where the company would collaborate with well-known manufacturers, offering unique versions of their cigars (or sometimes an all-new blend) in the Firecracker's signature 3½” x 50 format. This small-but-fiery size continues to this day, being completed with an exaggerated fuse-tail cap that is tucked beneath the cigar's band (it really is a sight to behold!).
In recent years, United Cigars have consolidated the series, now focusing primarily on two of their own versions of the Firecracker (as opposed to collaborations), with the two cigars being dubbed Firecracker and Black Bomb Firecracker. The latter is something of a maduro sequel to the original Firecracker, being rolled in the DR and boasting a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, a Sumatra binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
Of course, the Black Bomb Firecracker is rolled in the iconic 3½” x 50 Firecracker size, offering a short/explosive experience for the flavor-craved cigar enthusiast. Expect a 30-minute smoke time, jumping out the gate with flavors of black pepper, punchy cocoa, earth, and touches of sweet licorice through the finish.