That's right, this tasty maduro is named after the famed race horse of the same name, originally released in 1998, as smokers began to develop a taste for Nicaraguan tobacco.
Alcazar Maduro is a bundle-style cigar that's priced to sell as quick as its namesake, using a bevy of long-leaf Nicaraguan fillers and binder, and complimented with a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. This gives the cigars (each sized at 50-plus in ring gauge) a medium body and loads of gritty, chewy smoke! Flavors range from baker's cocoa and freshly ground coffee, to earth, black pepper, and even a touch of New Orleans-style chicory coffee.
Stock up on this heavy maduro and enjoy one any time of day, whether you're mowing the lawn, going out for a round of golf, or, our personal recommendation, heading to the track.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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