13 Cigar Smoking Mistakes To Avoid When You Buy Cigars Online

Most cigar enthusiasts would agree that cigar smoking is not a habit. It is a hobby. So, the more you know about cigars and how to smoke them, the more you will enjoy your hobby. When you want to buy cigars online, variety is king. We recommend joining our Cigar of the Month Club to try the best variety of premium cigars available online. We offer one of the widest selections of premium cigars you can buy online here at Smoke Inn. We want you to enjoy them to the fullest. So, let’s talk about common smoking mistakes so we can help you avoid them.

Mistake #1 Smoking the Same Cigar as Everyone Else

This is especially good advice for beginners. Just because you buy cigars online, don’t take a follow-the-leader approach to your cigar experience. You may see someone smoking a certain cigar but that doesn’t mean it’s the right one for you. Instead of following behind someone in blind faith, ask a cigar expert for their help. The last thing you want to do is waste your time and money on a stick that doesn’t suit your personal tastes.

Mistake #2: Clipping Too Much Cap

Some cigar smokers can get a little hasty when it comes to clipping the cap. Do not rush this step. It can have a major impact on your smoking experience. Take note of where the cap ends, and use your cutter to cut above that line. You only need to slice off a small amount, just enough to get the draw that you want. If you’re using a punch, use a twisting motion instead of pushing in. Pushing too hard can result in a cracked cap and a leaky draw.

Mistake #3: Burning the Foot

Sometimes people “toast” the foot before lighting their cigar. This is a good idea but you don’t have to overburn it. All you need to do is evenly char the foot, getting a thin, black ring around the wrapper. This will give you a much better chance of an even burn. Hold the cigar parallel to the floor when lighting it. Try not to dip it downward. Carelessly heating the wrapper can affect the flavor and burn.

Mistake #4: Inhaling the Smoke

Beginners need to know that cigars are not made to be inhaled. Whether you buy cigars online or at a local cigar shop, remember you are still buying cigars, not cigarettes. Cigar tobacco is often much stronger than cigarette tobacco. Simply draw a little smoke into your mouth and let it sit for a few seconds while you taste it. Then, blow it out. Rotate it and puff again after 30 seconds. Repeat this, every 30-60 seconds. Take note of the flavor and relaxation experience. Beer, a fine spirit, or coffee can enhance the flavor and experience.

Mistake #5: Expecting the Exact Same Smoke Every Time

Cigars are like snowflakes. No two are exactly the same. The beauty of a premium cigar bundle is that each one is handmade from natural tobacco. The tobacco leaves will vary from plant to plant, the plants will vary from crop to crop, and the crops will vary from season to season. These variations will affect the blends of the leaves during the manufacturing process. So, two cigars can’t give you the exact same smoke. Embrace these slight and subtle variations. Focus on what you love about the stick. You are having a once-in-a-lifetime experience every time.

Mistake #6: Smoking on an Empty Stomach

Some people will experience “cigar sickness” if they try to smoke a strong cigar on an empty stomach. To avoid this, eat a meal before smoking. If you start to feel nauseated while smoking, stop immediately. Cigars aren’t supposed to make you feel sick. Go get some fresh air. Try eating or drinking something sugary.

Mistake #7: Smoking Too Fast

Take your time. Members of our Connoisseur Club will agree that cigars are meant to be enjoyed slowly. The slower you smoke, the more flavor you will enjoy. Not to mention that some cigars are very expensive. You will want to savor each moment to get your money’s worth out of the experience.

Mistake #8: Removing the Band Too Early

Don’t remove the band too soon. You could split the wrapper, the cigar could begin to unravel, and smoke could leak out. If the band gives you too much resistance when you try to remove it, you are trying too soon. Just wait until the burn line is about an inch from the band. The smoke will warm the glue in the band and make it easy to remove.

Mistake #9: Limiting Yourself to One Brand or Type

Most people have a preferred type or brand. But don’t limit yourself to that type or that brand only. Get a great deal and sample different sticks. True enthusiasts will tell you that they have 10-15 different cigars they may smoke regularly.  They will include sticks from different regions, brands, and types.  Opening your palate is a great goal for any serious cigar enthusiast.

Mistake #10: Thinking the Overall Flavor Will Change Each Year

Yes, there will be slight variations in each smoke, but premium cigar manufactures take every measure to make sure their cigars are consistent in flavor each year. They maintain the same tobacco crops and craft the same blend each year to maintain the same overall taste. When you buy cigars online here at SmokeInn.com, you will get the high-quality premium cigar you expect from your favorite brand.

Mistake #11: Dipping the Cigar in Cognac

A cigar should never be dipped in alcohol of any kind. The flavor of the liquor can alter the taste of the cigar. This makes it different from what the cigar manufacturer intended. Some sticks pair well with alcohol but they should not be physically dipped in it.

Mistake #12 Holding, But Not Smoking

We’ve all seen images of men holding conversations with unlit cigars in their mouths. Don’t do this. You shouldn’t suck on the end a cigar that is not lit. The tip could get wet and create a nasty smoking experience. Cigars are meant to be held in your hand and placed in the mouth to draw smoke. Even if the cigar is lit, you should not keep it in your mouth. Doing this makes it burn hotter when you are not drawing smoke from it. You are wasting tobacco when you do this.

Mistake #13 Not Ordering Custom Sampler Packs

One of the best ways to try a premium cigar is with a custom sampler pack. Not ordering sampler packs is a huge mistake. Our sampler packs help you broaden your palate while saving you money. You can try different sticks without breaking your wallet.


Take your time. Enjoy each premium cigar you light.  Don’t smoke on an empty stomach and don’t inhale the smoke. Just keep an open mind and try a variety of sticks. Buy cigars online right now at SmokeInn.com. Get a premium experience delivered to your door every time. 

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Shammy Peterson
2 years ago

My favorite part of your blog is when you said that you will enjoy more flavor when you smoke slowly. I am thinking of shopping for premium Dominican hand-rolled cigars for my uncle who will visit me next Friday to express my gratitude to him. Certainly, I will share your tips with him to make sure that he can follow your recommendations and ensure that he will enjoy his cigars.