Room 101 Payback Nicaragua Cigar Review by: Sarge

Puff and Payback: A Smokin’ Good Time with the Room 101 Payback Nicaragua Cigar!

The Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar is a highly anticipated addition to the premium cigar market. Crafted by the renowned cigar master, Matt Booth, this cigar promises to deliver a unique smoking experience with its blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos. In this professional review, we will explore the various aspects of the Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar, including its construction, flavor profile, burn characteristics, and overall smoking experience.


Construction and Appearance:

The Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar boasts impeccable construction, displaying the artistry and attention to detail characteristic of the brand. The dark and oily Nicaraguan wrapper is flawlessly applied, showcasing minimal veins and a seamless finish. Upon inspection, the cigar feels firm and well-rolled, indicating superior craftsmanship. The cap is neatly affixed, providing an easy and precise cut. Overall, the presentation of the cigar is visually appealing and hints at the quality within.

Flavor Profile:

Upon lighting the Room 101 Payback Nicaragua, the initial flavors are bold and enticing. The Nicaraguan wrapper imparts a spicy kick, complemented by notes of black pepper and dark chocolate. As the smoke progresses, the flavors develop into a complex interplay of cedar, leather, and earthiness. The blend achieves a remarkable balance between strength and complexity, offering a full-bodied experience without overpowering the palate. Throughout the smoke, the flavors remain consistent and well-defined, providing a harmonious and enjoyable taste.

Burn Characteristics:

The Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar demonstrates exceptional burn characteristics, a testament to its quality construction. The initial lighting is effortless, with an even and consistent burn line. The ash holds firm, displaying a light gray color and a sturdy structure. The cigar’s draw is smooth and consistent, allowing for an ample amount of smoke production without any trace of harshness. The burn rate is moderate, ensuring a leisurely smoking experience that allows the flavors to unfold gradually. The Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar exemplifies meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, resulting in a satisfying and hassle-free burn.

Smoking Experience:

The overall smoking experience of the Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar is highly enjoyable and memorable. From the moment of ignition to the final puff, this cigar captivates the senses with its robust flavors, impeccable burn, and exquisite craftsmanship. The well-balanced blend keeps the smoker engaged throughout, with each puff revealing new nuances and complexities. The room aroma is pleasant, with a lingering sweetness that enhances the smoking environment. The strength of the cigar is best suited for experienced smokers or those seeking a bolder flavor profile. However, even novice enthusiasts can appreciate the meticulous craftsmanship and flavor dynamics of this cigar.


Final Thoughts:

The Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar represents a true triumph in the world of premium cigars. With its flawless construction, remarkable flavor profile, impeccable burn characteristics, and overall smoking experience, it leaves a lasting impression on enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Matt Booth’s expertise shines through in this blend, showcasing the best of Nicaraguan tobaccos. Whether savored on a special occasion or as a regular indulgence, the Room 101 Payback Nicaragua cigar is an excellent choice for those seeking a memorable and rewarding smoking experience.



“Savor the moment, Mute life and Embrace the richness of the smoke.” ~ Sarge

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