Southern Draw Cedrus Cigar Review by: Sarge

Cedrus Cigar: An Exquisite Symphony of Flavors by Southern Draw


The Southern Draw Cedrus cigar is a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the world of premium cigars. Crafted with meticulous care, this cigar showcases a unique blend of tobaccos from diverse regions. In this professional review, we will delve into the various aspects of the Cedrus cigar, including its construction, flavor profile, burn characteristics, and overall smoking experience.


Construction and Appearance:

The Southern Draw Cedrus cigar boasts impeccable construction, reflecting the brand’s dedication to quality. The Ecuadorian Habano wrapper is flawlessly applied, displaying a smooth and oily texture with minimal veins. Upon inspection, the cigar feels firm and well-packed, indicating the expert craftsmanship behind it. The triple cap is neatly finished, allowing for an effortless and precise cut. Visually, the cigar exudes an air of sophistication and elegance, enticing enthusiasts with its flawless appearance.

Flavor Profile:

Upon ignition, the Southern Draw Cedrus offers a captivating flavor profile that is both nuanced and well-balanced. The initial draw reveals a burst of pepper and spice, which gradually transitions into more complex notes of cedar, roasted nuts, and subtle hints of caramel. The blend achieves a harmonious fusion of flavors, with each element complementing the others without overpowering the palate. As the smoke progresses, the richness deepens, offering a delightful interplay of sweet and savory notes. The Cedrus cigar provides a refined and enjoyable smoking experience for aficionados seeking complexity and depth in their cigars.

Burn Characteristics:

The Southern Draw Cedrus exemplifies exceptional burn characteristics, attesting to the skillful craftsmanship behind its creation. The initial lighting is effortless, resulting in an even and consistent burn line. The ash holds firm, displaying a characteristic white-gray color, and boasts a sturdy structure that minimizes any potential flaking. The draw is smooth and consistent, allowing for ample smoke production without any harshness. The burn rate is moderate, ensuring a leisurely smoking experience that allows the flavors to develop gradually and be savored. Overall, the Cedrus cigar delivers a reliable and enjoyable burn, adding to the overall satisfaction of the smoking experience.

Smoking Experience:

The smoking experience provided by the Cedrus cigar is a true delight for the senses. From the moment the cigar is lit, it captivates with its well-balanced flavors, impeccable burn, and sophisticated aroma. The cigar’s medium to full-bodied strength appeals to both seasoned aficionados and those seeking a bolder experience. Each puff reveals a new layer of complexity, keeping the smoker engaged and intrigued. The room aroma is inviting, with a pleasing blend of cedar and earthy undertones that enrich the smoking environment. The Cedrus cigar embodies Southern Draw’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship, resulting in a memorable and satisfying smoking experience.

Final thoughts to the Nub:

The Southern Draw Cedrus represents an exceptional offering in the world of premium cigars. With its flawless construction, refined flavor profile, excellent burn characteristics, and overall smoking experience, it stands out as a true gem. Whether enjoyed on special occasions or as a regular indulgence, the Cedrus cigar provides aficionados with an exquisite and unforgettable journey. Southern Draw’s dedication to quality and innovation shines through in this exceptional blend, solidifying its place among the top contenders in the realm of premium cigars.


“Savor the moment, Mute life and Embrace the richness of the smoke.” ~ Sarge

You can read more reviews by Sarge HERE, as they are added.

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Richard Jordan
Richard Jordan
1 year ago

Terrific review. Could not agree more!