Made in the spirit of an elite Cuban cigar, the Kristoff embodies the taste and richness a true aficionado is looking for. Packaged in a rough cut cedar box and surrounded by loose tobacco, the Kristoff has a beautiful pre-embargo feel. With a rich oily wrapper, pigtail and shaggy foot, the Kristoff tastes as good as it looks; it offers notes of toasted almond, hints of spice and a sweet finish. Treat your palate to this incredibly smooth medium bodied cigar.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic Strength : Medium Wrapper : Habano
Kenneth Stewart II - Kristoff Criollo Robusto
Great cigar, creamy, nutty, shaggy foot, overall great smoke
Michael Lanier - Kristoff Criollo Robusto
Another great smoke from Kristoff. The shaggy foot delivers a fantastic start to this cigar. If you haven't had anything from Kristoff please do yourself a favor and pick up a few of them, they are just great smokes.