The Padrón Anniversary 1964 Family Reserve reflects the Padrón commitment to crafting premium cigars for discerning aficionados.
In the mid-'90s, the Padron family introduced the now-legendary Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series. They followed this with the bolder Padrón 1926 Series, showcasing the fiery characteristics of Nicaraguan tobacco to help usher in the modern genre of ultra-full-bodied cigars. In 2009, they introduced the luxurious Padrón Family Reserve, initially a private blend for family occasions and private special events. The blend, featuring aged, top-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos, was eventually shared with the world.
The Essence of Excellence
Each cigar in this collection speaks to the care and passion that goes into selecting the finest tobacco. The Family Reserve makes use of the Padrón family’s prized Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the blend. The leaves of this cigar are chosen from high primings and aged to perfection, ensuring the perfect amount of intensity in both body and flavor.
Signature Craftsmanship
Also a signature for Padrón, the cigars are box-pressed and wrapped in both natural and maduro varieties of the same tobacco varietal. Each version is full in flavor and body, with the Padrón Reserve Natural boasting notes of medium-roast coffee beans, peppered toast, and baker's cocoa while the Padrón Family Reserve Maduro embodies the darker flavors of freshly tilled soil, brownie batter, and stone fruit sweetness.
Become a Part of the Legacy
The Padrón Anniversary 1964 Family Reserve is more than a cigar. It's a celebration of the Padrón family's relentless pursuit of perfection. Join us in honoring this tradition, and immerse yourself in the richness of the Padrón legacy.
The Padrón Family Reserve brand is one of the most decorated cigars of the modern era, receiving countless 90-plus ratings and even Cigar Aficionado's coveted Cigar of the Year award.