In the modern world of ultra premium cigars, Davidoff is best known for its "White Label" collection of cigars, consisting primarily of mild to medium-bodied blends geared towards the sophisticated palate.
Of these "White Label" cigars, the Davidoff Signature is the most delicate. However, unlike most other traditional brands, the Signature is assembled from multiple blends. Essentially, Davidoff has combined past brands, including the iconic Mille (dating back to 1976) and Classic series. This makes for a wide variety of flavor profiles, with nearly every cigar in the collection carrying its own, unique character.
What remains consistent throughout the lineup is the Dominican tobaccos at the cigars' core. Davidoff Signature cigars are renowned for their soft complexities and clean, refreshing finish on the palate. The cigars are mild in body, with flavors ranging from buttered toast, cream and floral attributes, to earth, cedar, and raw sugar cane—a refreshing experience that suits life's most engaging moments.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Mild
Wrapper : Natural
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Matthew F - Davidoff Signature Series No. 2 Tubo - 4 Pack (Verified buyer)
As Zino Davidoffs favorite cigar, I had to give these a try. They did not disappoint. Love the elegant size and it really allows the flavors to shine.
Michael Lanier - Davidoff Signature Series No. 2
Let me start off buy saying I'm not a big fan of Connecticut or milder cigars. But this cigar changed my mind. I was not expecting that I would enjoy a cigar so much. It's perfect with my morning cup of coffee.
Shawn Albers - Davidoff Signature 6000 - 4 Pack (Verified buyer)
You don’t get any better in terms of quality than Davidoff. Cream, butter, roasted nuts and sweet cedar and present throughout. Smooth and mild that even the seasoned smoker still appreciates.
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