The La Gloria Cubana Serie R cigar is a modern legend. For many cigar hobbyists, this is often the cigar they'll credit with jumpstarting their journey into the premium cigar lifestyle.
The Serie R traces its roots back to the great cigar boom of the '90s. This was a time when different cigar styles were being experimented with, having great success in a market that simply couldn't get enough cigars! Due to high praise from the then-new Cigar Aficionado magazine, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo had become known as a top talent on the boutique side of cigars, operating his family's small factory in the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami. In 1999, he debuted the La Gloria Cubana Serie R, offering a full-bodied smoking experience and unusually large ring gauges (at least for that era).
The cigars were an instant hit, offering cigar enthusiasts more of what they craved on every level: more smoke output, more flavor, more strength! This led to the acquisition of La Gloria Cubana (LGC) shortly thereafter, with the cigars now being rolled at the boutique-style El Credito Cigar Factory, a unique "factory within a factory," located inside the General Cigar Dominicana facility in the DR. This helps to maintain the quality standards first laid out by Carrillo in 1999. Bearing an oily Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper as the signature ingredient, the cigars include a Nicaraguan binder and a proprietary recipe of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. Once listed among the strongest cigars, the LGC Serie R would now be considered medium-full, boasting robust flavors for the demanding palate; this includes notes of leather, oak, cabinet spice, and toasted caramel sweetness.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Sumatra
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Alex Voytilla - La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 Maduro
A very tasty maduro and the price point is hard to beat. I tried these as a new yard gar but ended up enjoying it so much I keep em around for more than just yardwork. My dad still says they are one of his favorite maduros to date.
Michael Cruz - La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 Maduro
One great stick that solidified La Gloria in the industry behind the godfather. Smooth yet refined medium to full body cigar. Has a oily sheen wrapper that looks like something you would want to smoke.
Nathan pawlikowski - La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 Maduro
Such a solid smoke for the price! It's great for cutting the grass when you want a good cigar but tend to direct your attention towards what you're doing. Solid construction in combination with some great flavors is always a no brainer
Cameron Chien - La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 Maduro - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
I received one of these as a gift, and my wife was the one that smoked it. She said that it was tasty and savory, almost like eating food! I promptly ordered this 5 pack to try one myself, and they are TASTY! There is almost an oily savory flavor to it! The price is very reasonable, definitely give this one a try!
Jon Skerbitz - La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 5 Maduro
Enjoy the Serie R...excellent daily smoke with delicious flavors and spot-on construction.
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