Caldwell Cigar Co. came onto the craft cigar scene fast and furious in 2014, with a lineup of Dominican cigars that quickly reached 6 unique blends. And only a year later, Caldwell continued to expand, heading into Central America to fulfill smokers of a different palate.
The cigar is dubbed Blind Man’s Bluff and features slogans such as, “We Own the Night”, “Tastes Like Magic to Me”, and “The Un-Caldwell”. Make of that what you will, the important thing here is a full smoking experience, loaded with earthy and spicy Honduran tobaccos—while retaining that unique complexity we’ve come to expect from this up-and-coming brand!
The cigars are as eye-catching as you’d expect, coming from the artistically-geared mind of Robert Caldwell—featuring a rough sketch of a fedora-wearin’ thug that we’re calling the “Boris Karloff” of cigars. Ecuadoran Habano is draped over a Honduran Criollo binder and fillers of Dominican and Honduran varieties, making for a bold, spicy, and all-around vibrant smoke—while somehow retaining a very manageable price point!
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Nicholas Neher - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Robusto (Verified buyer)
I was gifted this cigar and the flavor on this cigar were fantastic. Another great cigar by Caldwell
Griselda Rodriguez - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Robusto
This cigar deserves a second chance. It did not burn well and was very spongy to the touch. I was able to still get hints of earthiness along with some black pepper. Was hoping I could smoke it to the end , but had to relight it several times and just gave up.
Kenneth Stewart II - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Robusto
Good cigar, a little peppery, medium strength
John Butcher - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Robusto
Peanuts...Get your Peanuts! Caldwell makes some amazing sticks. The Blind Man's Bluff gives me dry roasted peanuts along with long finish of caramel coffee! One of the best values in my humble opinion!
Sean Correia - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Toro
Notes of leather, coffee, and earth, with excellent smoke output and a razor-sharp burn. It's worth a try.
Sean Correia - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Toro
Notes of leather, coffee, and earth, with excellent smoke output and a razor-sharp burn. It's worth a try.
Michael Anderson - Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Toro
I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a Blind Man’s Bluff but I’ve smoked a few. Thrown into event bags or included in purchases for other cigars. I’m always happy to get one!
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